Ministry of Chaplaincy

The members of the Christian Union Chaplaincy Commission Inc. are chaplains united to each other for the sake of our vocation in Christ Jesus.

• What is our call? It is to maintain or build a bridge between a person and God when that person is separated from traditional sources of pastoral care.

• How do they separate? They separate by becoming physically or spiritually unable to maintain their connection with God, their pastor and their community. They may be in a jail, a hospital, a military installation, a nursing home or even on their own, but, whenever there are separations, a chaplain becomes the bridge.

• How can we build the bridge? The chaplain performs the pastoral functions of healing, maintenance, reconciliation, and guiding people in his service area as a faithful witness of Christ. The chaplain becomes a priest, prophet and wise advisor as the situation requires.

The Christian Union Chaplaincy Commission, Inc. (CUCC) is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ as stated in Matthew 28:19-20.